Mission and Vision


By educating technicians and professional intermediate staff at international quality and standards, they are self-confident, possessing original, moral and social values, gaining strength from their own history and identity, assimilating theoretical and practical knowledge, taking into account the global trends in the field of vocational education and the business world. To train exemplary individuals equipped with the awareness of business ethics, who have the professional knowledge and competence needed by the business world, together with the developing technology.



Undertaking a leadership role in the social development process of our province, our region, and our country, in order to realize university-industry cooperation; Having adopted the principles of total quality management, which raises innovative, creative, responsible individuals who have the characteristics required by the private sector and the public, who are equipped with universal values, encourage teamwork, create a participatory and sharing corporate culture and are proud to be a member of, To be a constantly evolving program.