Head of Department's Message

Dear Students,
Since 2010, our department has been continuing its education life with "Food Technology", "Food Quality Control and Analysis" and "Aquaculture Processing Technology" programs.
The department, which trains qualified intermediate staff for the food industry and makes scientific contributions to the field with its projects and publications, together with its strong academic staff consisting of 3 professors, 2 doctoral faculty members, 1 associate professor, 2 lecturer doctors and 3 lecturers, makes a distinguished name for itself with its infrastructure facilities.
I am pleased to be with you in your education which will start from the moment you come to our department and I wish you success in your future business life.
Yours affectionately
                                                                                                                                                         Assistant Proffessor Emre KABİL                                                                                                                                                                      Head of Department